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Halt. I am Reptar. |
I've always thought about leaving Vietnam and riding a motorbike to my next stop, preferably in Europe. Then, I realize that that's crazy and I'm completely a-okay with my unaccomplished life:
11 HOURS TILL THE SPELLING BEE 11 HOURS TILL THE SPELLING BEE 11 HOURS TILL THE SPELLING BEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, guys. I'm going to sit down with my notebook and pause the video after each word, take my guess, and calculate my average. When it's too depressing, I'm going to start thinking about how I'm betting looking and have more friends than all these twelve-year-olds, though this paragraph begs to differ. My favorite contestant last year was this guy:
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There are more benefits to wearing footie pajamas to school, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, though it's anathema to my chafing condition. |
The word he went out on was 'bobbejaan'. If you ever sneak into ESPN's archives and find the footage from last year's bee, his number is 253. It's priceless, not on YouTube, and you won't regret it. ...God's going to give me an ugly, dumb kid to teach me a lesson, isn't He?
In other news, I was sitting in a cafe the other day when I remembered how beautiful I used to think that spot was; I had stopped noticing. I love traveling, but does living somewhere 'foreign' take away the beauty and novelty of it all? Does the brevity of a situation determine its beauty? Can that be said about life? Are things only appreciated if they are brief and fleeting? If we lived for a longer amount of time, how would that change things?
It's also weird how happiness is completely subjective and random, you know? I got a package and a letter the other day, and I was about glowing. If we wanted, sadness could elicit the same response. Nothing is stopping us but us. I mean, it helps if you have Special K with Red Berries in the fridge and chai powder in your cupboard, but you get it. Do you know how obnoxious it is to heat up 2 oz of water without having a microwave? I'ma have to wait until my velleities to make an iced chai graduate to legitimate yearnings.
My maid also works at a bakery and just brought us ENGLISH MUFFINS. Since I a) have a maid and b) have English muffins, here's something to make you feel better about your life:
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Source: The University of Texas / The Texas Tribune |
My three least favorite books in the world are 'Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry', 'Heart of Darkness', and Twilight #4. I felt like this post was lacking a conclusion.
My dear...I miss you! I didn't know you had a blog! You crack me up! I hope things are going well for you! I keep asking your Dad how you are when I see him (which really isn't that often, but still) and he always says 'ok'. I can tell he misses you! We all do! (He loves telling stories, so he usually has one from you to tell me.) I didn't really think about this until now, but are you going to be able to come "home" to Iowa for my wedding next April or will you be too busy living the worldly life overseas? Let me know! If you want some Special K just tell me and I'll send you some. I had an ex that moved to France and missed Mt. Dew, so I sent him some, but that was before 9/11, so maybe it's harder to ship food now. I don't know, but I'd get it to you some how. E-mail me if you want! (kalarisse@hotmail.com)